Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Eve

Friday, October 27, 2017



Sunday, October 22, 2017

Wonderful Life

Smith & Burrows - Wonderful Life

Here I go out to sea again
The sunshine fills my hair
And dreams hang in the air
Gulls in the sky and in my blue eye
You know it feels unfair
There's magic everywhere
Look at me standing
Here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine

No need to run and hide
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful, wonderful life

The sun's in your eyes
the heat is in your hair
They seem to hate you
because you're there
And I need a friend
oh I need a friend
to make me happy
Not stand here on my own
Look at me standing
Here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine

No need to run and hide
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful, wonderful life

I need a friend, oh I need a friend
To make me happy, not so alone
Look at me here
Here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine

No need to run and hide
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful, wonderful life

No need to run and hide
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful, wonderful life

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Cicekli Bahce



Since I go there almost every weekend, it definitely deserves some photos.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Can Batu!

Sunday, July 30, 2017


Oblivion... Astor Piazzolla.

Magical sounds.

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Fleetwood Mac - Dreams

Sunday, June 11, 2017


"Bayan Zatureky'nin aciklanmalarima ne olcude dikkat ettigi, onlari ne olcude izledigini ve anladigini bilmiyorum. Koltugunda uslu uslu oturmustu, gorev yerini terk etmemesi gerektigini bilen uysal, itaatkar bir asker gibi. Yarim saat kadar konustum. Derken koltugundan kalkti, yari saydam gozlerini uzerime dikti ve kisiliksiz bir sesle benden bagislamami rica etti. Ama kocasina inancini yitirmedigini biliyordum. Ona belirsiz ve anlasilmaz gelen fikirlerime karsi koymadigi icin kendisinden baskasini kinamiyordu. Asker platosunu giydi ve ben bu kadinin cismen ve ruhen bir asker oldugunu; uzgun ve sadik bir asker, uzun seferden yorgun dusmus bir asker, buyruklarin anlamini kavramaktan uzak ama bu buyruklari karsi cikmadan yerine getiren bir asker, yenik ama onuru lekesiz bir asker olarak cekip gittigini anladim."

Hic Kimse Gulmeyecek - Gulunesi Asklar, Milan Kundera

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

55 years

While I was enjoying my espresso and homemade Italian cake, Mrs. Razzano said "The secret is love... and being honest" without any hesitation. She was moving her hands on the kitchen table as though she was holding a magic... as if love itself is actually dough that she cooks it everyday... She said "I don't remember a single day that I kept my thoughts to myself and restrained them from him... and I talk with him as honest as possible. How can you feel secure otherwise if you share the same bed?". At the moment, Mr. Razzano was saying to me, "The cake is as sweet as her" and pointing his wife with a real smile. After 55 years of marriage.


Yellow - Coldplay

Wild is the Wind

Wild is the Wind - David Bowie

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Three Hibiscus



Suprizler bizimkilerden. Iyi ki varsiniz.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Dill's voice was his own again: "Oh, they ain't mean. They kiss you and hug you good night and good mornin' and good-bye and tell you they love you- Scout, let's get us a baby."


There was a man Dill had heard of who had a boat that he rowed across to a foggy island where all these babies were' you could order one-

"That's a lie. Aunty said God drops 'em down the chimney. At least that's what I think she said." For once, Aunty's diction had not been to clear.

"Well that ain't so. You get babies from each other. But there's this man, too- he has all these babies just waiting' to wake up, he breathes life into 'em. ..."

Dill was off again. Beautiful things floated around his dreamy head. He could read two books to my one, but he preferred the magic of his own inventions. He could add and subtract faster than lightning, but he preferred his own twilight world, a world where babies slept, waiting to be gathered like morning lilies. He was slowly talking himself to sleep and taking me with him, but in the quietness of his foggy island there rose faded image of a gray house with sad brown doors."

To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


It is night.
Rain pelts the roof.
The soul awakens
To a flooded Earth
A sea of storm
Then passing.

In that short moment,
Shifting lines and shapes,
Barely seen.

Before the passing moment tilts
And falls to melancholy,
Laughter sounds,
In quite raindrops

Thich Nhat Hanh

It is as though a memory from childhood. The rain, the water. The feelings take the form of the breaking waves. It is night and I am looking at a white swan... It is like walking on a rope carefully, but you die to fall.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


"Nav, Scout, it's something you wouldn't understand. Atticus is real old, but I wouldn't care if he couldn't do anything - I wouldn't care if he couldn't do a blessed thing."

Jem picked up a rock and threw it jubilantly at the carhouse. Running after it, he called back: "Atticus is a gentleman, just like me!"

To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

Monday, January 9, 2017


Couple of books, an LP player, a table and chairs, and some books. Wasn't it enough for us? Time goes by. Good memories. Olga and Alphan, Texas, 2014

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Manhattan, NY - A nice memory with Olga.

Güzel Yüzler


Caumsett State Historic Park, Long Island NY. Thank you Maria!